Refreshing Water Fruit Infused Recipes and Natural Flavored Water

Less than half of adults consume enough water daily, and who can blame them? We all need to drink it, but that doesn’t make us any more fond of the flavorless liquid.

Heart WaterWe might remember to take a few swigs throughout a busy day, but unfortunately, most of us only realize that we need to hydrate once we start feeling dehydrated.

Thankfully, infusion is here to save the day. By soaking fruits, berries, herbs, and other ingredients in water, you can create flavor combinations that make it a lot easier to drink the required ten glasses per day.

From energizing mixes to immune boosters, we’re going to share a few of the best refreshing flavored water drink recipes with you.

What Can I Use to Make Infused Water?

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of different fruit, vegetable, herb, spice, and berry combinations you can use to make refreshingly delicious infused water.

Typical ingredient choices include:

  • Fresh fruits: orange, pineapple, lime, kiwi, watermelon.
  • Berries: strawberry, blueberry, raspberry.
  • Herbs: basil, rosemary, mint, lavender.
  • Vegetables: cucumber, carrot.
  • Spices: ginger, cinnamon.

Mint Strawberry Infused WaterThese are just some of the options, and the different combinations are endless.

We’re going to share a couple of our favorite recipes with you.

You might want to check that you have the tools required before you get started. Luckily, infused water is very easy to make. You’ll need:

  • Fresh ingredients
  • Cold water
  • Sealed glass jars/infusion pitcher

During the process, it’d be best to store the water in the refrigerator. If you’re going to serve it or leave it out for more than two hours, it’s a good idea to keep it cool by adding ice.

You should crush it by using the best blender for ice, or you could destroy your appliance. Try to use a and tea towel and rolling pin.

Can You Eat the Fruit?

If you don’t like being wasteful, you might be tempted to eat the fruit after the infusion. While you can, you’ll likely be disappointed by the lack of flavor.

Remember, the point of the process is to make the water more flavorful. As a result, the ingredients may not be as tasty as you’d expect.

How Long Can You Store Infused Water?

Generally, it tastes best about 2 – 4 hours after making it.

Apple Cinnamon Infused WaterHowever, you can seal it in a container and store it in the refrigerator overnight to create a slightly stronger flavor. It may also depend on the ingredients you use.

Keep in mind that you can only store basil for a couple of days. On the other hand, Rosemary can last almost a week.

Additionally, don’t leave fruits in the water for more than four hours, or they may start to disintegrate or rot. Finished products can be stored for up to three days.

Infused Water Recipes and Combinations

The popular blog, Owly Choice, often talks about infusion in coffee brewing and its impact on flavor.

AquaTruSimilarly, the process can change the taste of water, vastly improving it.

That said, your results will depend on which ingredients you use and how long you soak them.

Here are a few excellent recipes you can use.

Remember that the ingredient quantities are recommended; you can increase it for a more intense flavor.

Immune Boosting: Grapefruit, Lemon, and Lime

Citrus fruits contain lots of Vitamin C, which can boost your immune system. It’s also a powerful antioxidant, boosts collagen formation, and is great for healthy bones.


  • 1/4 grapefruit, peeled and slicedBlackberry Mint / Lemon Infused Water
  • 1/2 lemon, peeled and sliced
  • 1/2 lime, peeled and sliced
  • 4 cups of cold water

The mix needs to sit for at least two hours, but you can also let it rest overnight for a fuller, more intense flavor.

If you prefer to leave the peel on the fruit, your infusion will have a slightly bitter taste.

Keep in mind that this mix is highly acidic, and it’s recommended that you don’t drink it too often.

Detox: Cucumber, Mint, and Lemon

Cucumber and lemon have always been a popular detox combination. Both aid in digestion and help your body flush toxins. Adding mint is optional, but the herb can further aid your digestion. The combination is also extremely refreshing.

  • 1/4 cucumber, sliced
  • 1/2 lemon, peeled and sliced
  • Mint to taste
  • 4 cups of cold water

Let your infusion rest for at least two hours. You can make the mix without mint, but the herb compliments the taste.

Healthy Skin: Blueberry, Red Grapes, and Basil

Blueberries contain vitamins that help promote healthier skin, while grapes can slow down skin cell damage.

Additionally, basil reduces inflammation and combats signs of aging. Keep in mind that you’ll need to keep the skin on the grapes for the best results.

  • 1/2 cup of blueberriesOrange Citrus Blueberry Infused Water
  • 1/2 – 1 cup of red grapes
  • 1/4 cup of fresh basil
  • 4 cups of cold water

Let the mixture infuse for 2 – 8 hours. For a fuller, more intense flavor, use a muddler on the berries and grapes. However, you might want to strain the water before drinking it to remove bits of fruit, peel, and pulp.

Muscle Recovery: Raspberry, Pineapple, and Banana

These fruits are all excellent post-exercise recovery foods. Pineapple and raspberry reduce inflammation, while banana helps you recover energy. The tropical taste is a delicious bonus.

  • 1/2 cup of raspberries
  • 1 banana, peeled and sliced
  • 1/2 cup of pineapple, diced
  • 4 cups of cold water

Don’t let this mix infuse for too long. Any more than eight hours, and you’ll end up with pulpy banana mush instead of a refreshing drink. You can add more berries or pineapple, depending on how intense you’d like the flavor to be.

Boosted Metabolism: Grapefruit and Jalapeño

Grapefruit and hot peppers are two of the best foods if you want to boost your metabolism.

Keep in mind that this is a tart, spicy blend. If that doesn’t sound appealing, you might want to give this infusion a pass.

  • 1/2 grapefruit, slicedMint Strawberry Infused Water
  • 1/2 jalapeño, deseeded and chopped
  • 4 cups of cold water

The longer you let this mixture rest, the spicier it’ll get, so be wary.

You can add more grapefruit if the pepper’s taste is too overwhelming.

Most Refreshing: Kiwi, Lemon, and Lime

These three fruits offer several benefits. Lime is good for your skin, reduces inflammation, and helps with weight loss.

Kiwi can boost your immune system, and lemon gives a mental boost. All three aid your digestion. Overall, it’s a healthy and refreshing combination.

  • 1 kiwi, sliced
  • 1/2 lemon, sliced
  • 1/2 lime, sliced
  • 4 cups of cold water

For intense flavor, let the mix rest for up to eight hours. You can also play around with the ingredient amounts to find a balance that you enjoy.

Is Infused Water Healthy?

As with most things, there are certain pros and cons involved.

In general, keeping hydrated is good, and the main benefit is that you’ll be drinking more water. Dehydration can lead to diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and even seizures.

By infusing water with delicious flavors, you’re more likely to drink enough throughout the day.

However, you should be aware of a few other advantages and disadvantages before you start mixing drinks.

It Can Help You Lose Weight

We love the taste of sweet drinks, from sodas to fruit juices. Unfortunately, even “healthier” options contain copious amounts of sugar.

You can reduce your intake by replacing them with infused water, improving your hydration and helping you feel fuller.

It Can Support Cancer Treatments

Cancer patients often struggle to drink enough fluids during treatment. Unfortunately, dehydration can only worsen the symptoms caused by therapy.

AquaTruCancer institutes and blogs recommend infused water as a way for patients to stay hydrated despite the challenges.

You Can Get Food Poisoning

You need to prepare your fruits and herbs correctly before starting the infusion process.

Ensure that the skin or rind is still intact, and wash everything before you begin. It’s also critical to use a sealed container to store your water.

It Can Erode Tooth Enamel

Citrus fruits are a popular recipe choice due to their pungent flavor.

However, their high acidic content can lead to enamel erosion if you drink too much. Try to balance your ingredient selection to avoid damage to your teeth.

Infused Water Recipes

Enjoy a Refreshing and Delicious Drink

Whether you like things spicy or fruity, there are several exciting ways to add a little flavor to water.

Mr Water Geek ThinkingAlthough the infusion process is easy, things can still go wrong.

Remember to use the right tools, and don’t let your mixture sit for too long. You shouldn’t store it for too long, either; try to drink it within 2 – 3 days.

Although we’ve shared a few of our favorite recipes, these are just some of the many combinations available online.

Experiment with fruits, veggies, spices, and herbs that you love, and you may come up with a unique taste of your own.

Now, there’s no excuse not to get enough water every day.

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